Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Dark Path

I try to stride down the street as I normally do thankfully well hidden under my cloak serving to hide who I am for now. Thoughts racing through my mind, last night with the rebels and their ultimatum, my stupid move attacking them all knowing it was a lost cause but having to anyway. "Well I guess you are going to learn strategy one way or another aren't ya girl." I mutter to myself as I try not to draw attention to myself. I breath shallowly so as not to aggravate her many wounds. "F-ing bastards, I hope the Captain skins them all, every one of them. I would happily assist." she touches the dagger at her waist a moment before continuing on to the Temple.

Arriving at the Temple with a brief relieved sigh she finds a priest and approaches. "Excuse me, might I get a bit of healing please." she asks politely. The priest turns at her address and looks her up and down, "Yes of course, I need to see what I am healing though girl." he says gesturing at the cloak. With a nod I remove the cloak revealing my wounds, armor, and gender which draws a disapproving frown from the priest, "Yes well," he sniffs, "Let's get this over with so you can go out and get yourself hurt again, hmm girl?" I try not to show any expression on my face at this patronizing speech though I am sure I failed in some way as the priest continued to look more and more like he was sucking on something sour. The process did not take long and once it had finished I felt great though the memory of the pain I had been in remained. I bow gratefully to the priest, "Thank you very much." he looks at me and sniffs again, "Well go on girl, I do not have all day to waste healing little girls playing soldier." So saying he turns and strides away his back radiating offense. With a sigh I turn to head back to the Stockaid and my waiting men.

As I step into the Rose Gazebo I see a small green creature appear out of no where and attack a civilian. Realizing what I am seeing I yell at the nearest person to sound the alarm that we are under attack, draw my sword, and skewer the creature on the end of my blade. As the goblin, as it obviously is upon closer inspection, gasps it's last I listen to the screaming from other attacks and begin running to the nearest finding yet another goblin trying to kill as many people as it can. This goblin too meets it's end by dent of my blade, not long after I notice a couple of my fellow militia running up. "The goblins are attacking, have the men spread out in groups and take them out, I want every street searched, capture one alive if you can." With that they run off and I continue looking for the little monsters finding 4 more of them. They seem remarkably eager to die as each time I try and take on alive the thing would spear itself on my sword before it lost consciousness. Finding no more goblins as I patrol the city looking for them and hearing reports that no others have been found I head back to the stockaid and my waiting briefing with the men.

Entering the room set aside for this briefing I nod to the men assembled and stride to the front of the room. Once I arrive at the front of the room I wait for the talk to die down and gaze serenely at the assembly. Once the room is silent and all eyes are on me I begin. "I will make this quick and simple, early this morning the Captain was taken by the rebel group. Until she returns I am acting Captain as per the Commander, if you have complaints see me after the meeting and we" I look them in the eyes a moment making my meaning plain, "We will be setting up groups, I will choose 3 to come with me to the noble district where we will begin questioning nobles for involvement in the rebel groups and by the gods be subtle, the rest of you will do patrols as per norm but I want to questioning the people on your routes about the rebel group and what you can learn about them, again subtlety is your friend. I doubt we can keep it quiet that we are searching for long but the longer we can the better for this city. Any questions?" when no one speaks I nod, "Alright Varkez, Rand, and Berric you are with me the rest of you get back on your beats. With that I head out the door followed by my three chosen men.

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